Middle of nowhere

Website Design
As a top leader in the AI ​​industry, IBM Research is relentlessly curious about all the ways that computing can change the world. Today's AI is narrow. Applying trained models to new challenges requires an immense amount of new data training and time. People need AI that combines different forms of knowledge, unpacks causal relationships, and learns new things on its own. This 404 page explores a new possibility combining machine learning and design practice to increase the brand awareness of IBM research.

The whole concept is about "you are in the middle of nowhere." "404" means that the webpage doesn't exist, so this project creates an environment that makes users feel lost around the internet data and enjoy the virtual landscapes. By training a machine learning model that combines thousands of images, I  create unique and beautiful places that don't exist in the whole world or even in the universe. They are just the landscapes generated by Artificial Intelligence.

Please visit the website: https://research.ibm.com/404
Year: 2022
Company: IBM Research
Role: Lead Designer / Art Director
Skill: Machine Learning, Web Design, Art Direction, Creative Coding
These images/videos of nonexistent landscapes were created using a generative adversarial network. It’s a type of machine learning model that can create novel content after being shown many original pieces of content. In this case, we showed our GAN thousands of images of landscapes from around the globe, and it generated these rather other-worldly images by combining aspects of everything it’s been shown.
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